Are you mature above 25yr ,sexually fit and seeks a woman ? Rosebella is available for you

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I’m Rosebella at thika, I understand what this site offers having done this once, though I got disappointed the guy I was linked was so young and even not mature enough to satisfy me 😁 .
This time I’d like to connect with someone mature above 25yr should be within thika or anywhere so long as he will be accessible and available whenever I would want him. I don’t expect anything except emotional connection ,good company and someone fit in bed.
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Am interested with her am 22yrs
Am a male called tush in need of a sugar mommy
Im30yr i like her alot plz
Am amoh 26 yrs very hot and interested,,call me ,u will thank me later
I like her alot
Hey am in the need of sugar mummy
Hello Rosebela interested am 40 ilive in Thika
Hello dear I need a sugar mummy
Harold is my name.
I want to meet a sugar mummy
I’m available