Austine At 40’s Single Sugar Daddy Along Kiambu Road seeking a sugar babe

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Do you have a set amount in mind? Is it certain bills you want covered? Do you want gifts, shopping, and travel? I’m Austine Lives along Kiambu Road, single dad in my 40’s interested in dating a Kenyan lady of Age Between 20-30yr . I’m Not actually seeking someone for marriage just a intimacy relationship ,sexual relationship and fun.
I have gone through terms and conditions about this site and I have noted I’m not allowed to display my contact here publicly for privacy concerns. Kindly get my contact from admin and let’s pick it from there.
Ooh so much interested am Faith 28 from roysambu
Interested 🍆🍆💦age24,, location Nairobi
Interested if still open
Very interested ,email me
Interested if not takenMary.
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