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Becky her name, Sugar Mummy from Kisumu available today



  1. This means that; Sexiest Kenya administration has conducts background check on this user to maintain proffesional connection and safety.
  3. This includes verifying sugar mummies and daddies financial status ,identity,location and also screening social media profiles..
  5. These measures aim to ensure transparency, reliability, and credibility, creating a secure environment for all Sexiest Kenya members.
  7. For Inquiries or Hookups, WhatsApp or Text Admin Fay on +254 737 187 217. Telegram @sexiestkenyaofficial

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Thanks for having interest in Sexiest Kenya Connections ! We are genuine and popular Dating site Across kenya, Uganda, Rwanda And Tanzania powering over 970,500 Members at our Database.


Get in touch with Sexiest Kenya Administration for a Sugar Mums,Sugar Dads and escorts connections right away.


How you doing admin? you got guys from Lakeside kisumu also? I’m that woman that got much interests in young jamaa’s and despite being a medical practioner having my own clinic and chemist i still havent been lucky yet because i prefer being single.

I’m looking for a sugar boy around kisumu, smart guy above 23yr, a guy who will be at my thigh’s at just a phone call whenever i would like to meet him, Also a guy who would keep this discreet and among us.

All i can offer to him is all financial assistance he should require from me, I’m Happy, jovial and understanding mum ”A message from Becky”

For hookups WhatsAppTelegram or Sms Admin Fay on 0737 187 217
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  1. Domnic Reagan on 3 Feb, 2024 at 2:27 PM

    Hellow im Domnic from Kisumu, I hope im not too late

  2. Victor on 2 Feb, 2024 at 1:52 AM

    I would like the contact of this lady as a 23 year old

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