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Her name is Bevalyne lives in Nairobi, medical by proffesion and seeks company of younger man



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  5. These measures aim to ensure transparency, reliability, and credibility, creating a secure environment for all Sexiest Kenya members.
  7. For Inquiries or Hookups, WhatsApp or Text Admin Fay on +254 737 187 217. Telegram @sexiestkenyaofficial

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Thanks for having interest in Sexiest Kenya Connections ! We are genuine and popular Dating site Across kenya, Uganda, Rwanda And Tanzania powering over 970,500 Members at our Database.


Get in touch with Sexiest Kenya Administration for a Sugar Mums,Sugar Dads and escorts connections right away.


Good morning admin, first of all Bevalyne is my name and lives in Nairobi. I practice medical as my professional, pharmacist to be specific with several business here in capital.

I’m healthy and successful woman and actually seeks the company of younger man, Not just anyone , I understand that their are plenty of singles guys out there seeking to date.

Even though this website guarantee it’s users much privacy I must be caution also in who I want, I’m at forties and proudly single mummy, looking for mature gentleman of age above 25yr.

His financial status should not be the case so long as he speaks both fluent English and Swahili, don’t drink Nor smoke. Lastly I like someone who can maintain privacy alot, someone who can’t share my info, photos and so on to social medias.

I have much trust about this website looking forward in meeting someone of my preference soon admin.

For hookups WhatsAppTelegram or Sms Admin Fay on 0737 187 217
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  1. Edwin on 15 Jul, 2022 at 6:54 PM

    Hi my name is Edwm wish I can be connected with baverlyne ,I have those qualifications and am in Nairobi

  2. Williams on 7 Jun, 2022 at 5:15 PM

    Connect me to her, she looks pretty and from same field of profession.

  3. Brian on 26 May, 2022 at 11:42 PM

    Hi Bevalyne Brian is my name.. and I’m kinda interested in you being my Baby Mamma…I’m from parklands and for my age 21

  4. Junior on 26 May, 2022 at 8:10 PM

    My name is junior I live Nairobi I want to hook up with Bavelyne if possible

  5. Boffin Rioba on 26 May, 2022 at 11:17 AM

    I think I have those qulifications

    • King bob on 27 May, 2022 at 1:39 AM

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    • Alphy on 27 May, 2022 at 10:56 PM

      I’m interested

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