Latifah, single mummy lives in Karen, age 38yrs wants hookups with a gentleman at 23’s or 35’s

Admin Mary on 15
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Latifah 38 years is a very Gorgeous, Rich Sugar Mummy who is longing to meet with a vibrant, humble, funny man to be her lover. She wrote us Email yesterday telling us she needs a guy to date together.

She wants to give her only man all her warmth & also to take care of him, she wants a man that will make her home warm , cozy and create an atmosphere of comfort. She would like to find a guy who is reliable and strong. A man who will be open to sharing his thoughts, dreams, goals.

She just wants a man who will be himself whenever he is with her. She is not looking for an ideal man and It doesn’t matter if you are in any part of the world , as long you’re healthy and good guy between 23 – 35 years then together will create a warm relationship.