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Single Business Lady In Nairobi needs a lover



  1. This means that; Sexiest Kenya administration has conducts background check on this user to maintain proffesional connection and safety.
  3. This includes verifying sugar mummies and daddies financial status ,identity,location and also screening social media profiles..
  5. These measures aim to ensure transparency, reliability, and credibility, creating a secure environment for all Sexiest Kenya members.
  7. For Inquiries or Hookups, WhatsApp or Text Admin Fay on +254 737 187 217. Telegram @sexiestkenyaofficial

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Thanks for having interest in Sexiest Kenya Connections ! We are genuine and popular Dating site Across kenya, Uganda, Rwanda And Tanzania powering over 970,500 Members at our Database.


Get in touch with Sexiest Kenya Administration for a Sugar Mums,Sugar Dads and escorts connections right away.


Hi, I am called Violet . I am 38 yrs old based in Rosslyn Nairobi. I am an investor and a business woman. I need a serious guy below 40 years for love but he should also be open for official marriage if i find him worthy. Tribe and location is not an issue for as long as he’s good in bed and ready for an HIV TEST.
I am financially stable and ready to give financial support of any kind to a nice guy,who’s ready to bring about a new twist in my love life. I can’t disclose my contacts on social media but credible guys should get my digit from Admin.

For hookups WhatsAppTelegram or Sms Admin Fay on 0737 187 217
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  1. Chukwuemeka on 11 Oct, 2022 at 6:46 AM

    I’m interested

  2. Pizzar on 9 Aug, 2020 at 5:50 PM

    Whats up me. All yu need.

  3. Josse mpole on 17 May, 2020 at 12:38 AM

    But be my type

  4. Josse mpole on 17 May, 2020 at 12:35 AM

    Hi from Kenya, know how 2fuck good

  5. Femi on 26 Feb, 2020 at 2:25 PM

    Hi I’m Femi from Nigeria a single guy

  6. Austin on 23 Jan, 2020 at 9:32 PM

    Hi Violet, I’m Austin.
    I’m glad if you give me the chance to hold your arms, look into your eyes and tell you that I love you from deep inside my heart and voice.
    Sincerely, I’m a poor, sexy and energized boy from eastern part of Nigeria. 22 yrs. I don’t have phone.
    mail me if you don’t mind@

  7. Ken on 23 Jan, 2020 at 6:10 PM

    Am from Nairobi, can I get hooked up with her

  8. andy on 23 Jan, 2020 at 11:51 AM

    Hi violet am Andy here is my email address am south African
    my number 0027643293898

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