
Admin Mary on
Looking for a connection with this person? Request Connection For Hookup and meet up arrangement.

Hi admin I’m Hamed, decided to share my success stories here as a way of appreciation and to prove that finding sugar mummy is virtually possible in this site.

I’m Hamed a student at University of Nairobi, due to financial issues we go through , I and and my friends happen to note some of sugar mummies sites in Kenya, certain friend of mine claimed the sites are fake having been scam several cash online so we decided to find a potential sugar mummy site we can put to one of us to test.

After doing through search online we spotted this place in google maps ( Genuine Sugar Mummies In Kenya) and it’s success stories was much encouraging after noting 688 guys have wrote positive about this website.

I and my friends all agreed that since I haven’t tried I will be one to try it out and if it works they will request their connections also. I personally texted admin Mary at 0731201204 since her contact has been displayed it clearly both in google and at their official website.

After 20 minutes gladly she responded. Here I quote. ~Good afternoon how may I assist you? ~. I Later explained to her more about me and she requested my info, and preference of sugar mummy I needed and also a connection fee since I was much aware of it.

It took 2 days and I was bit nervous and having thought it’s another fake sites, surprisingly I got a call from certain woman by name ( Ashley) told me about her and explained how admin gave her my contact and asked If I’m free to meet her.

Later after 4pm I managed to meet her at Certain restaurant in Nairobi and that’s how I ended up having successfully gotten my connection. So far my friends believed in this site and two of them have successfully gotten connection, Thanks admin Mary you are best.

Hamed Nairobi